Don't know what to cook for your adventure,
or even how to make it not taste like a space peanut?
Sign Up for our 100% free camping cookbook!
Each new adventure, brings new recipes. Don't look like the Camp idiot!
Growing up, I have eaten some absolutely horrific meals that barely qualify as food. I have eaten MRE's for a week straight and paid the price in the colon. However, I have learned that there are ways to provide an EPIC culinary experience without having to break the bank or even have special skills known only the elect few.
I've heard it said that we have advanced since the days of living in a cave, why go backwards? I say, that because we have advanced since the days of the cave, we should be able to go back and bring the kitchen with us.
Nothing says camping more than sitting around a campfire eating better than you do at home. I want to provide this experience with you.
If you want to eat like a king in the surroundings of the greatest environment of the world, get FREE access to our ever growing cookbook. Every adventure brings new recipes.
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